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12 September 2023 to 14 September 2023Aston University/ Conference Aston

Information for presenters

All meeting rooms will have a data projector, PC (PowerPoint facilities), sound and internet. Please bring your presentation on a USB stick. It is also a good idea to email a copy to yourself as well as a backup. You can also present directly from your laptop or macbook.


  • Assemble in your session room at least 5 minutes before the session is due to start.
  • Ensure that you sit near the front of the room with easy access to the stage.
  • Ensure that you keep to the time allocated to you, as it will cause disruption to sessions if you run over your allotted time. The chairperson will have warning cards when you have 5mins/2mins remaining.

Please plan your presentation in a way to allow some questions within your presentation time.

We suggest that presenters end their presentations with a couple of questions in order to stimulate discussion after their presentation.

Please state at the beginning of the presentation if you are happy for your work to be shared via social media or not.

There will be a speaker preview room, which will allow you to run through your presentation with an AV technician. They will be able to check for embedded links, presenting from own laptops and MacBook queries.

Please note there are no facilities to support any virtual presentations and all presenters must be present in the room.

For individual paper sessions you will have between 20-30 minutes (depending on how many papers are in your session) to present.

BERA does not issue conference proceedings, so you don’t need to hand in a full paper. However, if you are interested in having your paper published you can submit directly in our international peer reviewed journals;