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Special Interest Group

Socio-Cultural and Cultural-Historical Activity Theory

Fostering Insight and Innovation in Socio-Cultural and Cultural-Historical Activity Theory

Our Special Interest Group is dedicated to exploring socio-cultural theory and Cultural-Historical Activity Theory in the pursuit of understanding how societal and cultural contexts shape human behaviour. We strive to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and apply these insights to address real-world challenges, enriching both academic and practical realms.

Research interests

  • Learning and Development

  • Classroom Dynamics

  • Language and Literacy

  • Technology in Education

  • Teacher Education and Professional Development

  • Curriculum Development

  • Motivation and Engagement

  • Identity and Learning

  • Educational Policy and Reform

  • Informal Learning Environments

SIG aims

  • Support and promote cutting-edge research initiatives that expand the boundaries of socio-cultural and Cultural-historical Activity Theory

  • Translate theoretical insights into practical solutions and strategies applicable in various fields such as education, organisational development, and social policy

  • Initiate and support collaborative projects and studies among members from diverse professional backgrounds

  • Regularly host webinars, workshops, and conferences for knowledge exchange and professional development within the community.

SIG Convenors

Profile picture of Louise Kay
Louise Kay, Dr

Lecturer at University of Sheffield

Louise Kay is a lecturer in early childhood in the School of Education at the University of Sheffield. She is a qualified teacher and has worked across all three primary key stages, with the majority of her career spent teaching in the early...

Profile picture of Jan Georgeson
Jan Georgeson, Dr

Associate Professor at Plymouth University

Dr Jan Georgeson is Associate Professor of Education at University of Plymouth with a professional background as teacher of young children with special educational needs. She has also worked and volunteered as a Portage worker supporting parents...

Content associated with this SIG

BERJ Early Career Reviewer Scheme: Call for mentors

The British Educational Research Journal (BERJ) is pleased to launch its Early Career Reviewer Scheme that aims to build early career researchers’ capacities in academic peer reviewing. This...

BERJ front cover

Publishing opportunity