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Special Interest Group

Teacher Education and Development

This SIG covers research in initial teacher education, continuing professional development and teachers’ careers.

Research interests

  • initial teacher education

  • induction

  • mentoring 

  • early professional development

  • continuing professional development

  • accomplished teaching

  • leadership preparation

  • teacher educators 

  • curriculum of initial teacher education

  • international and comparative teacher education 

  • educational transformation 

SIG aims

  • to bring together all those with a special interest in the full continuum of teacher education – initial teacher education, induction, early professional development continuing professional development, accomplished teaching/advanced certification and leadership preparation/development across school and higher education settings;

  • to promote UK-wide, comparative and international perspectives on contemporary developments in policy and practice for teacher education and teaching across the life course;

  • to promote research on and for teacher education, including consideration of the work and identities of teachers and teacher educators;
  • to explore and theorise the links between knowledge creation and identity across the continuum of student, teacher and teacher educator learning.

Twitter: @BERA_TED

SIG Convenors

Profile picture of Alison Pearson
Alison Pearson, Dr

Research Fellow at University of Exeter

Alison has recently completed a PhD in Education: her research has investigated the experiences of long-serving secondary school teachers in order to explore what has challenged and sustained them through their teaching careers, including their...

Profile picture of Sultan Turkan
Sultan Turkan, Dr

Senior Lecturer at Queen's University Belfast

I specialize in improving educational practices for multilingual immigrant children. My research is guided by the view of language as a resource for effectively teaching immigrant learners. I have conducted research on the validity and fairness...

Profile picture of Sarah Anderson
Sarah Anderson, Dr

Senior Lecturer at University of Glasgow

Sarah K Anderson is the Research and Teaching Group Leader for Pedagogies, Praxis & Faith at the University of Glasgow, Scotland. Sarah has responsibility for and strategic oversight of initial teacher education for the School of Education and...

Profile picture of Elaine Sharpling
Elaine Sharpling, Mrs

University of Wales Trinity Saint David

I am currently the Director of Education Research and Enquiry at the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David. The move to this relatively new position was made after being the Director of Initial Teacher Education which saw the reform of ITE in...

Content associated with this SIG

BERJ Early Career Reviewer Scheme: Call for mentors

The British Educational Research Journal (BERJ) is pleased to launch its Early Career Reviewer Scheme that aims to build early career researchers’ capacities in academic peer reviewing. This...

BERJ front cover

Publishing opportunity