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Special Interest Group

Higher Education

All things higher education research, policy, and practice.

The transition from elite to mass higher education systems is a significant global development that forms the broader context for educational research that seeks to understand the experiences of Higher Education students, academics, teaching teams, change agents, leaders, departments, subject disciplines, professional fields, and institutions. There is a need for perspectives and analyses that not only critique but also challenge current policy frameworks and evolving practices within and across Higher Education. Within the universalising tendencies of the neoliberal regime, contradictions exist within – and between – the increasing dominance of managerialist principles, the standardisation of learning and practice (under the banner of ‘quality assurance’), consumer-based practices and expectations. The aim of the Higher Education special interest group is to contribute towards and enhance critical debates and perspectives on higher education policy, pedagogy and practice. This is a broad remit that embraces interdisciplinary research with critical research methodologies, theories and philosophies. 

Research interests 

  • Teaching and learning approaches and issues
  • AI in higher education
  • Assessment and Feedback in higher education
  • Higher Education in Further Education (HE in FE)
  • Pedagogies for transformation / transformative pedagogies
  • Being an academic
  • Being a student
  • Policy trajectories
  • Academic development and capacity building strategies
  • Doctoral education and supervision

SIG aims

  1. Engage a large range of HE colleagues in discussions to drive excellence.
  2. Explore and give voice to the different areas of interest in HE.
  3. Promote the work of members and support their activity.
  4. Supporting members for the BERA conference and through activities and events during the year.
  5. Exploring collaborations between the HE SIG, other BERA SIGs and external networks.

Twitter: @BERAHighEd

SIG Convenors

Profile picture of Julia Everitt
Julia Everitt, Dr

Research Fellow at Birmingham City University

Dr Julia Everitt is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at Birmingham City University (BCU) and has worked in higher education as a researcher since 2014. Julia was awarded her doctorate in 2018 and as a researcher has been involved in over 30 research...

Profile picture of Kate Mawson
Kate Mawson, Dr

Principal Lecturer at Nottingham Trent University

Dr Kate Mawson has significant teaching experience across a range of institutions and has worked in Secondary and Higher Education institutions since 2002. Kate is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Founding Fellow of the...

Content associated with this SIG

BERJ Early Career Reviewer Scheme: Call for mentors

The British Educational Research Journal (BERJ) is pleased to launch its Early Career Reviewer Scheme that aims to build early career researchers’ capacities in academic peer reviewing. This...

BERJ front cover

Publishing opportunity