National inclusive policies are shaped by a complex mixture of social, economic, political and historical concerns, formed within shifting local, national and international landscapes. This...
In 1998, Japan’s curriculum authorities published curriculum guidelines (gakushu shido yoryo) for national compulsory education, dubbed as the ‘yutori (latitude) curriculum’ with a pinch of...
Context: Sara Delamont is an important figure in the development of social sciences in and for education, and especially in the establishment of qualitative research at Cardiff (e.g. Delamont et...
In many countries, Finland included, national curriculum reform are central tools for large-scale school development. However, the way the reforms are carried out affects what actually happens -...
For more information and to buy the book click here Educational research makes a powerful contribution to global challenges in society and culture. The sophisticated use of research...
Online registration has now closed. If you want to attend this event, please email for details of how to register onsite. What methods are being used to research pedagogy? What...
The linguistic standards for British teachers within teacher training, and for teachers’ future careers, are clearly outlined by the DfE: ‘demonstrate an understanding of and take...
The European Educational Research Journal (EERJ) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal interested in the changing landscape of education research across Europe. The EERJ publishes education...
British Educational Leadership Management and Administration Society’s (BELMAS) Annual Conference will take place on 7th - 9th July 2017 at Ettington Chase in Stratford-on-Avon, UK. For...
Online registration has now closed. If you want to attend this event, please email for details of how to register onsite. Since the requirement to teach ‘Fundamental British...
Northern Symposium: Prof. Nicki Hedge, University of Glasgow This event is now fully booked, however there are still bursary places available. Please complete the application...
Recent curriculum policy in the UK and elsewhere (e.g. Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence, Successful Futures in Wales, and the New Zealand Curriculum Framework) marks a significant departure...