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BERA Council

Gary McCulloch, Professor

Brian Simon Professor of History of Education at U C L Insitute of Education

Gary McCulloch is the inaugural Brian Simon Professor of the History of Education at the founding director of the International Centre for Historical research in Education at UCL Institute of Education. He was (2017-2019) the president of the British Educational Research Association and is the Editor of the British Journal of Educational Studies. He is a past president of the UK History of Education Society (2005-2007) and a previous Editor of the international Journal History of Education. He has supervised a wide range of research students in the history of secondary and higher education, both nationally and internationally. He has attracted funding for research projects from the ESRC, Leverhulme Trust and the Society for Educational Studies, among others. Gary’s recent publications include The Struggle for the History of Education (Routledge, 2011), Secondary Education and the Raising of the School Leaving Age (with Woodin and Cowan, Palgrave, 2013), a special issue of Paedagogica Historica on ‘Education, war and peace’ (edited with Georgina Brewis, based on the London conference of the International Standing Conference for the History of Education, July 2014), and A Social History of Educational Studies and Research (with Steven Cowan, Routledge, 2017).

Gary McCulloch's contributions

Educational research: which way now?

BERA was established 43 years ago, in 1974, at the height of the postwar expansion of education, and at the onset of a long period of controversy and reform of education that has continued ever...

Video5 Sep 2017