BERA Conference 2014 Abstracts – Main Conference Parallel Session 2
BERA Conference 2014 Abstracts - Main Conference Parallel Session 2 Spotlight Session Presenter: Ian Menter, John Furlong Research and the Teaching Profession: Building the...
Showing results 5509–5520 of 6688
BERA Conference 2014 Abstracts - Main Conference Parallel Session 2 Spotlight Session Presenter: Ian Menter, John Furlong Research and the Teaching Profession: Building the...
BERA Conference 2014 Abstracts - Main Conference Parallel Session 3 Spotlight Session Presenter: Tim Leuing Department for Education: Research Priorities and...
BERA Conference 2014 Abstracts - Main Conference Parallel Session 4 Spotlight Session Chair: Suzanne Carrington Ethical Leadership: A collaborative investigation of equity-driven...
BERA Conference 2014 Abstracts - Main Conference Parallel Session 6 Spotlight Session British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET) Symposia 6.01 Arts...
Early career researchers have, until relatively recently, been invisible in the eyes of policy makers, with very little attention, historically, paid to their induction and professional...
BERA was established 43 years ago, in 1974, at the height of the postwar expansion of education, and at the onset of a long period of controversy and reform of education that has continued ever...
In his seminal 1992 publication Faces at the bottom of the Well, the eminent scholar and founder of Critical Race Theory (CRT) Derrick Bell proffers what some might consider a harrowing and...
The past two decades have witnessed a remarkable rise of the language of learning in education and in our lives more generally. Not only is it claimed that we live in an age of learning; we are...
Welcome to the BERA Annual Conference 2017 which will be held at the University of Sussex, Brighton, Tuesday 5th September 2017 – Thursday 7th September 2017. Abstract deadline: 31st January...
The 42st BERA AGM will take place at 5:00pm on Monday 4th September 2017. It will be held in the Noblese Room, Jurys Inn Brighton Waterfront. All members are invited to attend, please ensure...
Online registration has now closed. If you want to attend this event, please email for details of how to register onsite. This event is sponsored by: The Invisible College...
The BERA Conference 2017 was held on the 4th-7th September 2017 at the University of Sussex. Keynote speakers included: Professor Gerry Czerniawski, Professor Gary McCulloch, Dr Nicola Rollock,...