Intergenerational practice has seen a growth in popularity in recent years due to societal changes and in an aim to reconnect the generations (Vanderven, 2011; Vieira and Sousa, 2016). Although...
The notion of spirituality as an ontological priority for children has become more prominent in academic literature in the past decade, not least due to its inclusion in the National Curriculum as...
Engaging in arts practices is recognised as having potential benefit in terms of fostering self-esteem, well-being and happiness, social cohesion, creativity, agility as well as promoting academic...
In this Episode Dr Suzanne Culshaw explores what it means to be struggling as a teacher and how we can promote wellbeing throughout the Covid-19 pandemic
This episode of the BERA Podcast discusses the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the climate crisis school strikes, and how schools can work to acknowledge and facilitate...
In this episode of the BERA Podcast Dr George Leckie (University of Bristol) discusses his research: “The importance of adjusting for pupil background in school value-added models: A study of...
In this episode of the BERA Podcast we learn what the Chartered College of Teaching (CCT) has achieved so far, and discuss the unique challenges and opportunities that Covid-19 has presented for...
This episode of the BERA Podcast discusses the challenges and opportunities for Teacher Education during the Covid-19 pandemic from an international perspective.
This is the opportunity to hear the Keynotes and presenters respond to the various questions that have been asked during the event timeframe and to discuss with each other the contributions from...
Moments of Creativity: Analysis through an application of CHAT - Sarah Fordsham and Deb McGregor The presentations were drawn from those people who had either submitted abstracts on the topic...
Mobilising teacher researchers - reducing teacher workload -Robin Hall, Richard Churches and Kate Sims Further reading: Supporting teachers through the school workload reduction toolkit The...