BERA’s 50th Anniversary

2024 holds many exciting developments as we celebrate our 50th anniversary year.
This year we will:
- Launch more awards and funding opportunities – please keep a eye on our awards page for more information
- Publish the outcomes of various projects including our Small Grants fund and Brian Simon fund
- Partner with Emerald Publishing to launch a new series of books, titled The BERA Guides: Critical insights into educational research & practice
- Launch our own book Curriculum in a Changing World: 50 think pieces on education policy, practice, innovation & inclusion
- Continue our ambitious events programme online and in person
- Celebrate Early Career Researchers at the 2nd Annual ECR Conference
- Launch the BERA Teacher Network
- Publish the updated fifth edition of the BERA Ethical Guidelines for Educational Research
- Collaborate with WERA to host our longest and largest ever annual BERA Conference 2024 in Manchester
- Welcome our Vice-President Marlon Moncrieffe as he assumes his Presidency in September
- Launch an expert panel, the broad remit of which will be to investigate the situation regarding funding for educational research. This is a continuation of the BERA State of the Discipline initiative where the funding for educational research was identified as a priority area for BERA to develop work in.