The BERA Early Career Researcher (ECR) Network Symposium Series offers so much to ECRs. Presenters are given the opportunity to reflect on a key aspect of their research and gain feedback from...
This podcast is the first in a series commissioned by the Research Methodology in Education Special Interest Group to showcase the variety of methodologies and methods being undertaken by...
A number of BERA events between 2020 and 2022 enabled researchers to come together from a range of different education settings (primary, secondary, tertiary and higher education). These events...
The purpose of this blog post is to highlight the importance of researchers bringing their own personal values to educational research and how living values – which demonstrate respect for...
Depending on which literature we use, ‘action research’ may be defined in slightly different ways. Some researchers emphasise the iterative cycles of exploring an issue before developing,...
In March 2022, schools reopened in Saudi Arabia. As an educator in higher education, the most noticeable change with my students was their preference for distance learning. However, my sister, who...
In 2010, a number of sweeping educational reforms were announced – particularly in English – where the likes of Byron, Keats and Dickens would firmly be re-rooted and restored to their...
Learners are paramount as agents of change in education. They are the core reason educational experiences exist. Without empowerment and ownership of change, learners will not and cannot be...
Over the past eighteen months, our teaching and learning community (TLC) has been working on an action research project designed to develop metacognitive strategies and cultivate self-directed...
A central question to my action research (AR) asks how a teacher-educator can improve her practice to support trainee-teacher learning during teaching practice (TP). My research was prompted by...
A common trait of expert teachers is a natural scepticism which prompts constant questioning of what they hear and do (Cochran-Smith & Lytle, 2009). For many, this leads to research as a means to...