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Showing results 6433–6444 of 6629
Education isn’t working for us – listening to disengaged young people
A minority of young people are negative about education and become disengaged*. This study investigated their experience. Most saw the primary problem as the system. For them, school was an...
What accounts for ethnic achievement gaps in secondary schools in England?
This study explores the size of ethnic, gender and social class gaps in achievement at age 14 and asks what factors might account for ethnic achievement gaps. For most minority groups, high levels...
Personalisation and student voice
The New Labour Government (1997-2010) announced personalised learning as an idea ‘exciting’ the profession and one that promised ‘radical implications’ for the shape of education in...
Friendly schools: a whole-school intervention to reduce bullying
School bullying seriously affects young people’s social, physical and psychological well-being as well as their academic achievement. Increasingly, evidence suggests whole-school (universal)...
Why Educational Research Matters
In the summer of 2013, BERA published a briefing paper entitled ‘Why Educational Research Matters’. This was drawn from our contribution to the recent Comprehensive Spending Review and was...
Summer 2013
Challenge and Change in Teacher Education Research-Informed Teacher Education for a New Era? Research Matters: School Direct Changing Trends in Teacher Education Policy and Practice What Kind...
Education Select Committee follow -up to Great teachers: attracting, training and retaining the best
The Education Committee has decided to hold a short inquiry to follow up its 2012 report Great teachers: attracting, training and retaining the best, focussing primarily on the School Direct...
Education Select Committee follow-up to Great teachers: attracting, training and retaining the best
The Education Committee has decided to hold a short inquiry to follow up its 2012 report Great teachers: attracting, training and retaining the best, focussing primarily on the School Direct...
Spring 2013
Open Access: The Future of Academic Publishing? A Recipe for the Evolution of Scholarly Publishing Making Sense of Open Access Creating a New Open Access Journal: A case study Academic...
DfE Review of Evidence in Education
Building evidence into education Dr Ben Goldacre was asked by Education Secretary Michael Gove to examine the role of evidence in the education sector. In a paper presented on 14th March at...
New National Curriculum for England
On 7 February 2013 the Secretary of State for Education announced a public consultation on the draft National Curriculum which will run until 16 April 2013. The consultation also asks for views on...