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News from the British Educational Research Association

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What’s happening in June

Please find an overview of some of our upcoming activities in June.  Digital Leadership and Cultural Change in Schools: Challenges and Opportunities 9 Jun 2022 9:00 am - 12:00 pm During the...

News30 May 2022

HE Education Research Census 2022

The UK-wide census of all HE-based education researchers has just been launched. It is a nationwide census examining the characteristics, experiences and attitudes of education researchers...

BERA in the news25 May 2022

New series of the BERA podcast

The BERA podcast is back! A new series began in April with the two leads from our recent Research Commission on Environmental Sustainability. Other episodes will feature the usual wide range of...

News3 May 2022

BERA Council Election Results 2022

Following a competitive  election comprising of worthy candidates for both the position of  ordinary Council members, we are delighted to announce the outcome. Council From the field of four...

News20 Apr 2022

BERA Journals Peer Mentoring Scheme

BERA publishes four highly regarded and internationally peer-reviewed journals, British Educational Research Journal, British Journal of Educational Technology, Curriculum Journal and Review of...

News7 Mar 2022

A snapshot of 2021

Thank you to all our members, volunteers, partners and friends for supporting our work during the past year. Please find an overview of just some of our achievements.

News17 Dec 2021

BERA Conference 2021 – Keynotes now Available

For our first venture into a fully online annual conference, we were delighted to have secured four outstanding keynote speakers to present alongside the full range of symposia, workshops and...

BERA in the news10 Dec 2021