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The British Educational Research Association (BERA) is the leading authority on educational research in the UK, supporting and representing the community of scholars, practitioners and everyone...

Autumn/Winter 2013

Diversity, Aspiration and Equality in Education Celebrity and Youth Aspirations: The significance of hard work Diversity, School Exclusion and Inequality Human Rights and Sexual Diversity: In...

Research Intelligence20 Nov 2013

The BERA Charter for Research Staff in Education

The BERA Charter for Research Staff in Education replaces the previous version of the charter, THE 2008 BERA CHARTER FOR RESEARCH STAFF: promoting quality conditions for conducting quality...

Resources for research19 Nov 2013

Annual Conference 2013

The BERA Conference 2013 was held on the 3rd-5th September 2013 at the University of Sussex. Keynote speakers included: Professor Helen Gunter, Professor Ian Menter, Professor Chris Husbands, and...


BERA Conference 2013 – Keynote Lectures

For educational researchers the BERA Annual Conference is an important date in their professional year. It provides the opportunity to: network with existing colleagues support new...

Media series

Personalisation and student voice

The New Labour Government (1997-2010) announced personalised learning as an idea ‘exciting’ the profession and one that promised ‘radical implications’ for the shape of education in...

Briefings31 Aug 2013