Showing results 5929–5940 of 6696
Project summaryMany new routes into teaching are being developed by government policy, particularly in England via school-based training. The project will investigate these new routes and...
Past event18 Feb 2016
BERA is offering a great opportunity for a new team of editors to renew and refresh one of the most highly regarded educational technology journals. BJET is one of BERA's four prestigious...
Nominations are now open for BERA Council - there are 4 vacancies on our Council as well as the position of Vice-President.Nominations for the general positions and Vice-President will close on...
There are regular assertions in both the press and academic literature that the low take up of vocational education in England, relative to selected comparators, is because it has lower status...
Mick Fletcher
Research Commission: Poverty and Policy Advocacy
The BERA Commission on Poverty and Policy Advocacy: seminar series Online registration has now closed. If you want to attend this event, please email for details of how to...
Past event15 Feb 2016
Past event11 Feb 2016
In marked contrast to European nations, the United States lacks any formal policy to spur youth participation. The United States is soon to become the only nation in the world that has not...
Dana L. Mitra
Have you submitted an abstract? Did you know you can apply for a bursary to attend the Conference.BERA Student BursariesBERA awards bursaries each year to UK students and occasionally overseas...
Jo Johnson, the minister for higher education, has now published the government’s eagerly awaited Green Paper on the future of universities. It’s a long document, at almost 35,000 words. Most...
Chris Husbands
A curriculum is a predetermined programme of learning and has three components: a set of aims and objectives which articulate the intended student achievements (what they know, what they can do...
David Scott
Applications are now open for the 2016 ACU Commonwealth Summer School. This year the theme is ‘The Sustainable Development Goals: what role for universities?’ and the event is to be hosted by...