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In this episode John Parkin, Mabel Encinas and Saima Salehjee chat to Heidi Safia Mirza, IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education & Society.
Heidi Mirza achieved prominence with the publication of “Young, female and black” (1992) and later became one of the UK’s first Black female professors. In this BERA podcast, Heidi explains intersectionality and what inspired her to research race,
gender and identity.

You can find out more about Heidi’s work below

Mirza, H. S. (1992). Young, female and black (1st ed.). Taylor & Francis.

Mirza, H. S. (2018). Black bodies ‘out of place’ in academic spaces: Gender, race, faith and culture in post-race times. In J. Arday, & H. Mirza (Eds.), Dismantling race in higher education. Palgrave Macmillan.

Mirza, H. S. (2018). ‘The Golden Fleece’: The Windrush quest for educational desire. British Library.

Mirza, H. S. (2022). A short history of ‘race’ in British schools: A 75-year timeline. On Education. Journal for Research and Debate5(13).

Mirza, H. S., & Gunaratnam, Y. (2014). ‘The branch on which I sit’: Reflections on black British feminism. Feminist Review, 108(1), 125–133.

Mirza, H. S., & Meetoo, V. (2018). Empowering Muslim girls? Post-feminism, multiculturalism and the production of the ‘model’ Muslim female student in British schools. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 39(2), 227–241.

Mirza, H., & Warwick, R. (2022). Race and ethnicity. IFS Deaton Review of Inequalities


In this Episode

Profile picture of Saima Salehjee
Saima Salehjee, Dr

Senior Lecturer in Education with STEM specialism at Brunel University

Dr Saima Salehjee is a Senior Lecturer in Education at the University of Glasgow. She is responsible for teaching and research work, particularly on Science Education. Saima has received grants to continue her research with underprivileged...

Profile picture of John Parkin
John Parkin, Mr

Academic Employability Consultant at Anglia Ruskin University

John Parkin is an Academic Employability Consultant at Anglia Ruskin University where he works with academics and external partners to embed employability into courses. John Parkin was also a Senior Lecturer Practitioner in Education and a Course...

Profile picture of Mabel Encinas
Mabel Encinas, Dr

Senior Lecturer in Education at London Metropolitan University

Mabel has a strong commitment and passion for equality, diversity, and social inclusion. She is a Senior Lecturer in Education at London Metropolitan University. Her research focuses on creative strategies for learning and teaching, including...

Profile picture of Heidi Safia Mirza
Heidi Safia Mirza, Professor Emeritus

Professor Emeritus Equality Studies in Education at U C L Insitute of Education

Heidi Safia Mirza is Emeritus Professor of Equalities Studies, UCL Institute of Education and Professorial Fellow of Race, Faith and Culture at Goldsmith’s College, University of London. She is known for her pioneering intersectional research...