IN THIS SESSION From tiny acorns: a co-produced research project between Chinese teacher researchers and UK-based international initial teacher training academics Elizabeth...
IN THIS SESSION How can the implementation of heritage skills workshops have a positive sustainable impact on individual and community wellbeing? Alison Whelan, Bruce...
IN THIS SESSION LEANS Champions: A pilot programme to train neurodiversity educator-experts across nations and professional roles Alyssa Alcorn1, Aileen Shrimpton2, Sarah McGeown1, Dinah...
IN THIS SESSION Promoting oral language development in Early Years settings – an exploration of current practice Christine Jack1, Emily Preston1, Elaine Ashton1, Kate Conn1, Carolyn...
IN THIS SESSION Teaching difficult knowledge exploring UCLs eugenics history and the implications for educational development in higher education Helen Knowler, Tor Wright UCL, United...
IN THIS SESSION Do participants in widening participation outreach programmes in England progress to high-tariff universities at a higher rate than would otherwise be expected Paul...
IN THIS SESSION The Mindful Movement Programme: A martial-art inspired approach for enhancing state and trait self-esteem Harriett Moore, Scott Buckler Holy Trinity School, United Kingdom
Individual papers presented under the theme Curriculum, Assessment and Pedagogy Chairs: Gerry Czerniawski, Sarah Seleznyov IN THIS SESSION Can a whole-school focus on celebrating diversity...
Individual papers presented under the theme Artificial and Human Intelligence Chairs: Paul Miller, Diane Warner, Dominic Wyse IN THIS SESSION Standing on the Shoulders of ChatGPT: Towards the...