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Use of Virtual Teacher Learning Environments as a Supplement to Field Experiences: Opportunities and Challenges

Undoubtedly, student teaching and field experiences constitute a significant part of Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programs (Ronfeldt, Schwartz, & Jacob, 2014). However, teacher educators face challenges in placing their Preservice teachers (PSTs) in field experiences that mimics real classrooms inclusive of possible instructional scenarios, as well as vulnerable student groups.

We are in Post-Pandemic era whereby the need to prepare educators for conditions outside of brick and mortar ITE environments is here to stay (Griffin et al., 2020). In fact, online provision of ITE activities worldwide, including the UK, have proven to provide the agility for the PSTs to view, comment, practice at their own discretion and pace (La Velle et al., 2020). Also, research has pointed to the effective use of Virtual Teacher Learning Environments (VTLEs) to supplement traditional methods such as field experiences, practicums, and internships (Hixon & So, 2009; Monroe, Mendez, & Nutta, 2020), especially in providing sheltered access to student populations that the PSTs might not otherwise encounter in clinical training (Turkan & Kerr, 2021).

Within this context, this event aims to stimulate discussion on the following questions:

  •  What VTLE environments exist?
  • What advantages and disadvantages do these environments present?
  • To what extent is the VLE acceptable for the teacher trainees who deconstruct existing practice and approximate their practice by engaging in instructional interactions?
  • To what extent is the VTLE feasible for the teacher trainees to complete the sessions and perform the taught skill in accordance with the feedback provided?
  • To what extent do the trainees improve in terms of their preparedness for steering classroom discussions through VTLE platforms?

Draft Programme

14:00 Welcome & Introduction
Sultan Turkan, Queen’s University Belfast
14:10 Panel Discussion
Sultan Turkan, Queen’s University Belfast
Professor Joyce Nutta, University of Central Florida;
Dr. Jamie Mikeska, Educational Testing Service
14:55 Summary
15:00 Event Close

Chairs and Speakers

Profile picture of Sultan Turkan
Sultan Turkan, Dr

Senior Lecturer at Queen's University Belfast

I specialize in improving educational practices for multilingual immigrant children. My research is guided by the view of language as a resource for effectively teaching immigrant learners. I have conducted research on the validity and fairness...

Profile picture of Elaine Sharpling
Elaine Sharpling, Mrs

University of Wales Trinity Saint David

I am currently the Director of Education Research and Enquiry at the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David. The move to this relatively new position was made after being the Director of Initial Teacher Education which saw the reform of ITE in...

Profile picture of Alison Pearson
Alison Pearson, Dr

Research Fellow at University of Exeter

Alison has recently completed a PhD in Education: her research has investigated the experiences of long-serving secondary school teachers in order to explore what has challenged and sustained them through their teaching careers, including their...

Profile picture of Sarah Anderson
Sarah Anderson, Dr

Professor at University of Glasgow

Sarah Anderson is a Professor of Teacher Education at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. Sarah taught high school English, social subjects and special education, and was also a Fulbright Scholar to Norway in 2011–12. Before moving to the...

Profile picture of Jamie Mikeska
Jamie Mikeska, Dr

Managing Principal Research Scientist at ETS Research Institute

Jamie Mikeska is a Managing Principal Research Scientist in the ETS Research Institute. Jamie completed her Ph.D. in the Curriculum, Teaching, and Educational Policy graduate program at Michigan State University in 2010. Her current research...

Profile picture of Joyce Nutta
Joyce Nutta, Professor

Professor of World Languages Education at University of Central Florida

Dr. Joyce Nutta is Professor of World Languages Education and the ESOL Endorsement and TESOL PhD Track Coordinator at the University of Central Florida. Her research interests include the integration of second language instructional practices...