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Pre-Conference Workshops

8 September 2024 to 12 September 2024University of Manchester

Successful Academic Publishing: A Global Perspective
Sunday 8 September 2024

Price: from £25
Venue: University of Manchester

Worldwide, the capacity of early career scholars and graduate students to demonstrate productivity through their scholarly publications remains a hallmark of academic and professional success.  Nonetheless, scholarly writing and publication are challenges for many faculty, research scientists, and graduate students who are still new to the process and, thus, can benefit from mentoring and support.  Professional associations like the World Educational Research Association can be of great help to emerging scholars, and to those who mentor them, by providing an insider understanding of the process, making accessible the tools required to publish in quality academic outlets, such as journals, edited volumes, or conference proceedings. Specifically, this workshop delves into the foundations of successful publishing: formulating critical questions; conducting a study; organizing a manuscript; collaborating with others; and publishing research findings. The workshop will also consider what constitutes “quality” in quantitative, qualitative, and mixed method research.  The preparation of review articles will also be addressed. Along with these significant and broad topics, there will be discussion of ethics, open science, research transparency, access and equity, and the social-cultural responsibilities of publication. Thus, it is the purpose of this workshop to offer mentoring and support to emerging scholars who wish to learn more about scholarly writing and what is required to experience success in publication. Experienced researchers with heightened interest in mentoring and advising about publishing and the publication process are also encouraged to join.

Worskhop Leads

Profile picture of Patricia Alexander
Patricia Alexander, Dr

Distinguished University Professor at University of Maryland, College Park

Patricia Alexander is the Jean Mullan Professor of Literacy and Distinguished Scholar-Teacher in the Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology at the University of Maryland, a Fellow of the American Educational Research...

Profile picture of P. Karen Murphy
P. Karen Murphy, Professor

Distinguished Professor of Education at Pennsylvania State University

P. Karen Murphy (Ph.D., University of Maryland, 1998) is Distinguished Professor of Education and Department Head at The Pennsylvania State University where she holds appointments in the Department of Educational Psychology, Counseling, and...