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Dom Conroy, Dr

Principal Lecturer at London Metropolitan University

Dr Dom Conroy is a principal lecturer in Psychology at London Metropolitan University in the UK. He leads the portfolio of collaborative partnerships for the School of Social Science and Social Professions. Dom’s current research mainly focuses on transnational higher education, embedding employability, podcasting for learning and teaching, and developing interventions to close the ‘graduate outcome gap’ between white students and students of colour in higher education. Dom has expertise in health psychology, specialising in addictive behaviours and alcohol consumption among young adults. Dom researches sobriety, alcohol consumption and drinking practices among young adults and marginalised groups, drinking during Covid-19 and the ‘lockdowns’ during the pandemic, and participation in temporary abstinence initiatives from alcohol. Dom is lead editor on Young Adult Drinking Styles: Current Perspectives on Research, Policy and Practice (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019) which won a British Medical Association category award in 2021.

Dom Conroy's contributions

Careers and Employability

The Careers and Employability SIG serves to connect and foster networking opportunities and research collaborations across educational sectors. The SIG was created to supported collaboration and...

Special Interest Group