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Completed project

Early Years Policy Advice

A joint initiative between the BERA Early Years Special Interest Group and TACTYC (Association for the Professional Development of Early Years Educators) has produced briefing notes and guidance documents for policy makers in the approach to the 2015 General Election. The briefing document is grounded in findings from national and international research evidence, government reports, and cumulative wisdom on high quality early years provision.

Led by Elizabeth Wood and Jane Payler, this project is, in part,  a response to a series of policy developments in England that suggested the need for stronger advocacy of young children’s rights to high quality care and education. These developments included planned unfavourable changes to ratios of staff to young children (birth to three) in day care (DfE, 2013) and a particular version of school readiness, with a rise in the expectations for the literacy and mathematics Early Learning Goals in the revised Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (DfE, 2012). Two research reviews – an academic review and a user review, will be completed during 2014-15.

In February 2014, we have published the policy advice in one detailed overview document as well as individual summaries for six themes:

• Professionalism – Early Years as a Career

• Parents and Families

• Play and Pedagogy

• Learning, development and Curriculum

• Assessment, Transitions and School Readiness

• Broader Policy Issues