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Grace Spencer, Dr

Associate Professor in Young People, Health and Social Equity at Anglia Ruskin University

Grace is an Associate Professor in Young People, Health and Social Equity at the Faculty of Health, Education, Medicine and Social Care, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK. Her research focuses on young people’s health and their health-related practices with reference to concepts of risk, power and empowerment theory. She has a particular interest in social change, youth transitions, and health and social equity. Grace is globally recognised for her expertise in qualitative research methods and ethics with children and young people and she has published extensively on the ethical aspects of research with children and young people. Her current programme research draws on participatory forms of enquiry to explore the health experiences and livelihoods of young migrants in Ghana.

Grace Spencer's contributions

Co-production, co-design and co-authorship

Motivations and expectations for young people’s involvement: The group discussed some of the challenges of maintaining young people’s involvement and motivation throughout the...

Video18 May 2022