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BERA Opportunity

Conference & Events Committee: Call for New Members

We are pleased to open a call for BERA members to join BERA’s Conference & Events Committee (CEC). We regularly bring new voices onto our committees to ensure a diversity of voices and fresh perspectives. Committee members have an invaluable role in the success and activity of the organisation. Our 2023 Conference had a record number of registrations, we have a widely attended programme of virtual and physical SIG events, and are moving towards our 50th anniversary conference, which will also host the WERA Focal Meeting, where we hope to welcome a record number of delegates. 

There are at least two vacancies on the committee, and one of these has been ringfenced for a practitioner voice.

The Committee’s remit can be found here.

Should you have any further questions, please contact

If you would like to apply to this position, please click ‘Apply Now’ and answer the question outlined.

The deadline for applications is 12:00 on Monday 8th January 2024.

As part of our wider commitment to greater equality and diversity at all levels of the organisation, we continue to seek increased representation from members with a Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) background. In acknowledging the structural inequalities and unjust power imbalances that affect our members, we wish to be proactive in addressing this within our own structures.

If you require this application in a different format for accessibility reasons, please contact