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Past event

Practitioner Research Highlights at Twilight

Online registration for this event has now closed, please email to register.




This event acts as an opportunity for the Practitioner Research SIG to meet and hear about the latest work being undertaken by practitioners in an encouraging and supportive environment. We are looking for presentations that cover one or more of the following four themes, which were highlighted as deserving of more attention by members at the SIG AGM. Please submit your 250-word abstract including the theme in your title. The deadline for submission was 8th October 2021.


  1. Ethics in Action
    How have you used BERA’s ethical guidelines in your own research? What are the key ethical challenges you have faced as a practitioner researcher and how were these overcome?
  2. Methodology in Action
    We invite you to share your own experiences of using or developing methodologies in your work as a practitioner researcher.
  3. Reconciling Practice and Research in Education
    Why is it so difficult to translate educational research into practice? What barriers exist between academic research and educational practice? Help us explore these issues by sharing your own perspectives or experiences. This could be an example of best practice, or a discussion of the specific challenges faced by practitioners working in education.
  4. Examples of Innovative Dissemination of Research in Education
    We invite you to share your research with us in a novel or innovative format. Your work might address the themes above or be related to a different topic.
    Please submit your 250-word abstract summarising how your presentation will address one or more of the themes above.

Watching a BERA Virtual event

  • You will be sent the link to the event at least 3 days before the event. If you register in the last few days you will be sent the link within 24 hours
  • Our platform should work on all platforms
  • For the best viewing experience please use a laptop or computer
  • You will have the opportunity to ask questions throughout the presentations
  • It is best to check your connection at least 10 minutes before the event, and any problems the BERA technical team may be able to assist



Profile picture of Claire Tyson
Claire Tyson, Dr

Teacher Researcher at Homewood School & Sixth Form Centre

Claire Tyson is a teacher researcher based at Homewood School and Sixth Form Centre, where she combines teaching science with her research post. Her PhD was obtained by studying part time with Queen Mary, University of London in Clinical...

Profile picture of Emma Taylor
Emma Taylor, Dr

Lecturer in Education at King's College London

Emma Taylor has over 12 years of experience teaching Geography to secondary school students in London. Alongside teaching, she has recently undertaken the role of Research Lead at the school in which she currently works. Her research role...


Profile picture of Melanie Beckett
Melanie Beckett, Dr

Academic Skills Tutor at Arden University

I was awarded my PhD in 2021 and my research is concerned with how students experience the transition from FE into HE. I currently work for Arden University as an Academic Skills Tutor in a hybrid remote role. I am also an honorary visiting...

Profile picture of Javeria Khadija Shah
Javeria Khadija Shah, Dr

Scholar Activist at University of London

Javeria is a cultural sociologist and interdisciplinary scholar with expertise in policy, media education, sociology, and the visual arts. She specialises in person-centred research that interrogates and re-conceptualises societal positioning(s)...

Profile picture of Robin Hardman
Robin Hardman, Mr

Head of Politics at Hampton School

Robin Hardman is Head of Politics at Hampton School in south-west London. He became a teacher straight after finishing his undergraduate degree in Politics at Durham University, and more recently completed an MA in Education with King’s College...

Profile picture of Cecilia Astolfi
Cecilia Astolfi, Mx

Chartered Teacher and Physics Specialist at N/A

Cecilia is a UK-based Chartered Teacher and a Physics specialist. They have carried out practitioner research projects and supported colleagues with theirs, contributing to the publication Impact and Global EdTech. Cecilia is a union...

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