Past event
Global Perspectives: Re-imagining Education

Thank you for your interest in this event. There is planned website maintenance this week so unfortunately we cannot take registrations online. Please call the BERA office on 0207 331 5217 to register over the phone for this event.
The University of Worcester, in association with the British Educational Research Association Special Interest Groups for ‘Comparative and International Education’ and ‘Educational Research and Educational Policy-making’, invite you to participate in our third international conference entitled Global Perspectives: Re-imagining Education taking place on 20th-21st June 2019 at the University of Worcester, UK.
This exciting conference will focus on a number of important themes related to the impact of globalisation and internationalisation on sustainable education. The conference will consider innovative ideas to support new ways of thinking about educating children in a world that has developed at a phenomenal rate and yet the dominant approaches to education are seemingly vastly unchanged. Through this conference, we want to challenge and share practice from around the world which consider inclusion, sharing knowledge across the globe, curriculum design and its impact on knowledge generation, globalising teacher education, developing evidence-informed practice and self-improving systems, diversity, global citizenship, and intercultural education. This conference takes forward some of the issues explored during last year’s conference entitled ‘Global Perspectives in Teacher Education’, where we continued to look at the challenge of teacher education and UNESCO Education 2030: A Framework for Action and Education in a Global Context. This year’s conference will build on concrete solutions which support the UNESCO Education 2030 goals with the aim of allowing partnerships, networks and collaborations to be developed that will take forward some purposeful and real projects to support the development and vision of high-quality sustainable education for all across the world.
The conference is aimed at researchers, academics, consultants, practitioners, teachers, research students and professionals working in fields such as international, intercultural and comparative education, curriculum development, education policy and practice. It will be a wonderful opportunity to make connections with others in your field and to support strong research-informed practice.
Social media markers: #eduglobalperspective, @BERANews
Conference Dinner (optional)
Venue: Browns at the Quay, South Quay, Worcester WR1 2JN
Cost: Buffet supper £25 per head (paid on the evening)
When booking for the conference, please ensure that you mark that you would like to join us for the conference dinner
Day 1: Thursday 20th June 2019
10.00 | Registration | |
10.30 | Conference Welcome | |
10.40 | Keynote by Matthew Raggett, Headteacher Doon School, Dehradun India | |
11.10 | Refreshments break | |
11.40 | Conference Strand 1 |
Conference Strand 2 |
Tell me what to do and I will do it and show you that in my classroom teaching Re-imagining educational relationships: decolonising the spaces, places and boundaries of teacher education Global living theory research on re-imagining education Re-imagining practitioner professional development |
What, why, how and who can contribute to, and benefit from, a global educational knowledge-base? Count them in! Listening to teachers and involving them in the policy making for successful inclusive education The position of universal values as a barrier to the effectiveness of UNESCO’s global citizenship education Being a teacher: teaching and learning in a global context |
13.10 | Lunch | |
14.00 |
Global competence Conceptualising learning to live together harmoniously in Indian contexts Re-imagining teacher professionalism: mindset change in a Rwandan English language teacher association Re-imaging education through a new discipline of educational enquiry |
Strategies and structures for diverse learners Trans-inclusive teaching practices: “When we know better, we do better” Engaging the disadvantaged student in the Chinese learning classroom: pedagogies make a difference Thinking transculturally about autism |
15.30 | Refreshments break | |
16.00 |
Young people’s STEM education and aspirations for development: a comparative case study in Malaysia’s rural heartland Creating Resources with Children in India using a co-creation model for Developing Countries to address UN SDG goals *GERMS JOURNEY: co-creation of resources for addressing UN Sustainable Development Goals in education & health in developing countries Developing a learning framework for education in emergency contexts |
My story on sand: intercultural teaching through sandplay It’s time to code Kindergarten – blending play and technology literacy FAWE’s gender-responsive pedagogy model: improving the quality of teaching and learning |
19.00 | Conference Dinner (optional) Venue: Browns at the Quay, South Quay, Worcester WR1 2JN Cost: Buffet supper £25 per head (paid on the evening) When booking for the conference, please ensure that you mark that you would like to join us for the conference dinner |
Day 2: Friday 21st June 2019
09.00 | Registration | |
10.00 | Introduction | |
Conference Strand 1 | Conference Strand 2 | |
09.30 |
An action research on upscaling quality of education in preschool through life skill education in Ravipura village of Gujarat, India Mathematical Beliefs – Cultural Comparative (MBCC) Making connections through mathematical activity: the Project in Citizenship and Mathematics (PiCaM) Exploring attitudes toward respect among secondary school students in Turkey and England: a comparative empirical study |
Implementing pedagogic change: tackling the underlying social realities Enhancing the employability of international students: Chinese students on taught Master`s programmes in social sciences KEY-LOCK: Key-words towards student-paced education? Re-humanising teacher education: exploring the potential of online international intercultural dialogue |
11.00 | Refreshments break | |
11.30 | Summary and Key Steps Forward | |
12.30 | Closing Session | |
12.55 | Completion of evaluation forms | |
13.00 | Lunch |
The BERA Early Career Researcher Network offers a limited amount of bursaries to the value of £75 towards travel for BERA Student Members only.
To apply for one of these bursaries, please email with a 250 word statement on why you want to attend this event and why you need the financial assistance. Bursaries are offered on a first come, first served basis. Travel expenses will be reimbursed after the event in accordance with our travel policies. You must not have previously received bursary funding from BERA.