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Showing results 1921–1932 of 2346

Jesper Aagaard

Jesper Aagaard is a lecturer in Aarhus University’s Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences (Denmark). His research is currently focussing on the use of digital devices in school...


Helen Lewis

Dr Helen Lewis is director of initial teacher education at Swansea University. Her background is in primary, initial and continuing teacher education, and she has previously worked as a teacher...


Ruth Lupton

Honorary Professor

Ruth Lupton is an honorary professor of education at the University of Manchester. She researches educational inequalities, policy and the role of place.


Stephanie Thomson

Dr Stephanie Thomson is a lecturer in educational policy at the University of Aberdeen. Her research interests focus on inequality and education policy.


Lorna Unwin

Lorna Unwin is professor emerita (vocational education) at the UCL Institute of Education and honorary professorial research fellow at the University of Manchester. Her research interests focus on...


Sanne Velthuis

Dr Sanne Velthuis is a research associate at the University of Manchester. Her research interests include education, inequality and low-paid work.


Rachel Mathieson

Dr Rachel Mathieson is a research fellow at the Centre for Curriculum, Pedagogy and Policy, at the School of Education, University of Leeds. Rachel has spent her working life in the field of...


Matt Homer

Dr Matt Homer is associate professor at the Centre for Curriculum, Pedagogy and Policy at the School of Education, University of Leeds. Matt taught mathematics and statistics in further and higher...


Lucy Jenkins

Lucy Jenkins is the Project Director of the MFL Mentoring Project funded by the Welsh Government. Lucy has led on the development of the project since 2017, expanding the scope and size of the...


Sioned Hughes

Sioned Hughes is a senior lecturer in initial teacher education at yr Athrofa: Institute of Education at the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David. She is a former primary school teacher with...


Kara Makara

Kara Makara is a lecturer in the School of Education at the University of Glasgow. She has a PhD in educational psychology, and her research focusses on how social interactions in educational...
