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ECR Network Event Funding Scheme – Period 1 Now Open for Applications

The BERA Early Career Researcher (ECR) Network seeks to provide financial support to its members with one such offer being the ‘Event Funding Scheme’. The ‘Event Funding Scheme’ provides up to six grants (of up to £1000.00) per annum, intended to support early career researchers (ECRs) in the 12 months following completion of their doctorate. Specifically, the scheme supports such members attendance at non-BERA events that they consider will contribute to their continued development. The funding can be used for costs associated with conference registration fees, travel and/or accommodation

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants must be within 12 months of the completion of their doctorate (taken as the date which they passed their viva)
  • Applicants must be a current BERA member
  • Applicants may be based in the UK or internationally

Application forms can be found here. These must be completed as fully as possible and should outline which conference(s) the applicant seeks to attend with a detailed outline of the costs involved. The applicant must also provide a justification as to why they require financial support from BERA and what the perceived benefits of attending the conference(s) are. Applications are particularly welcomed where applicants have submitted (and preferably had accepted) abstracts for presentation. Completed application forms should be sent to:

To find out more about the scheme and the ECR network click here