Call for ECR to join BERA’s Conference & Events Committee

Following a successful call for members to join BERA’s Conference & Events Committee, we are opening a call for an early career researcher to join the committee.
BERA defines an early career researcher as those who are in the process of completing their masters or doctorate in education, as well as those who have completed their studies within the past 5 years, or longer if including a career break.
Committee members have an invaluable role in the success and activity of the organisation. Our 2024 Conference had a record number of abstract submissions, where we hope to welcome a record number of delegates. We also have a widely attended programme of virtual and physical SIG events and other BERA events. Conference & Events Committee ensure the events programme is in line with BERA’s strategic priorities, while upholding the highest academic standards.
In developing the annual conference and wider events programme, BERA is keen to have the voice of ECRs represented.
The Committee’s full remit can be found here.
If you would like to apply to this position, please click ‘Apply Now’ and answer the question outlined.
The deadline for applications is 12:00 on Monday 17th June 2024.
As part of our wider commitment to greater equality and diversity at all levels of the organisation, we continue to seek increased representation from members with a Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic background. In acknowledging the structural inequalities and unjust power imbalances that affect our members, we wish to be proactive in addressing this within our own structures.
If you require this application in a different format for accessibility reasons, or have any questions, please contact secretatiat@bera.ac.uk