Call for contributions Sara Delamont: A Festschrift Special Issue of Qualitative Research

Context: Sara Delamont is an important figure in the development of social sciences in and for education, and especially in the establishment of qualitative research at Cardiff (e.g. Delamont et al, 2001). She is particularly well known for her ethnographic classroom-based work and her research on the teaching and learning of Capoeira and Savate. In addition to her many supervised PhD completions, she has made a substantial contribution to the literature on Doctoral supervision and to the understanding and practices of new supervisors, within and beyond Cardiff. Together with Paul Atkinson, Sara Delamont was a founding editor of the Journal Qualitative Research. Sara reached her 70th birthday on 4th March 2017, and is retiring from Cardiff University where she has worked since 1976.
Papers: these will be of two kinds:
• articles of up to 5k words (including references etc.) with a substantive and/or methodological focus that connects with Sara Delamont’s work;
• short pieces, likely to be collectively entitled ‘appreciative connections’, each of which will be within 500 words and each of which describes some aspect of Sara’s work or working and its influence on other research and researchers, whether at the level of individual, institution or academic field.
Expressions of Interest: For either type of contribution, the guest editors invite expressions of interest by Friday 29th September 2017. Expressions of interest should state name, contact details, which kind of paper you would like to submit, and an abstract of up to 100 words. The guest editors will respond within two weeks (by mid-October) to let you know whether or not they are able to invite your contribution. All contributions will be subject to normal peer review.
• Early July 2017: Targeted call for papers launched
• 29th September 2017: Expressions of Interest (Abstracts) due. Please send to JamesDR2@cardiff.ac.uk
• Mid-October 2017: Guest Editors invite submissions.
• 15th January 2018: Deadline for submissions
• Mid-January 2018 to end of April 2018: Period for refereeing and revisions, editorial introduction etc.
• Publication expected towards end of 2018 (though all accepted articles will be available sooner, published online).
Guest Editors: Amanda Coffey, David James, Sophie Hallett, Sally Power