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Past event Part of series: Research Commission: Cost, Value and Quality in Professional Learning: promoting economic literacy in medical and teacher education

Understanding Cost, Value and Quality in professional education

RC Logo (Cost, Value and Quality)


Online registration has now closed. If you want to attend this event, please email for details of how to register onsite.

The two linked seminars form part of the BERA Research Commission to explore questions of quality and effectiveness in the provision of professional development in medical and teacher education. The aim of the Research Commission is to encourage the sharing of ideas between two communities, teacher educators and medical educators, who face similar pressures as questions of cost, value and quality are raised by policy makers. The Commission explores (through the experiences of the seminar participants, the supporting working papers and more widely through interaction in cross-professional community of inquiry) how economic literacy might furnish a more informed and robust response to these pressures.

Funded places available for PhD students/early career researchers. Contact Monica Ronchi ( for more information.


9.30 Registration
10.00 Welcome
Summary of the Emerging Issues and themes from Seminar One
Professor Vivienne Marie Baumfield and Professor Karen Mattick
Centre for Research in Professional Learning, University of Exeter
10.30 Research, policy and practice in medical education from a transnational perspective
Professor Jen Cleland, School of Medicine, University of Aberdeen
11.15 Coffee
11.30 Research, policy and practice in teacher education from a transnational perspective  
Professor Kay Livingston, University of Glasgow
12.15 Participant responses and panel discussion
12.45 Lunch
13.30 Evaluating Learning Developments in Medical Education
Professor Alison Bullock, Director of -CUREMeDE
14.15 What might quality in teacher education look like?
Professor Debra Myhill, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean (College of Social Sciences and International Studies) University of Exeter)
14.45 Coffee
15.00 Economic Literacy and Decision Making in Professional Education
Dr Ruben Mujica-Mota, Senior Lecturer in Health Economics, University of Exeter
Dr George Rivers, Associate Dean, Research Collaboration at Monash Business School, Monash University*
Professor Anna Vignoles, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge.*
15.45 Community of Inquiry: next steps
This session will provide the stimulus for participation in a wider ‘virtual’ community through the subsequent webinar and working papers.
16.15 Close

*via video link

Registration is only £50 per seminar or £75 if you register for both at the same time.

Working papers will be available online at:


BERA offer a limited amount of bursaries for BERA Student Members only.

  • Bursaries are available for BERA Student Members to the value of £50 towards travel, and complimentary registration for the event.

To apply for one of these bursaries, please email with a 200 word statement on why you want to attend this event. Bursaries are offered on a first come, first served basis. Once approved you will be sent details of how to register online. Travel expenses will be reimbursed after the event in accordance with our travel policies. You must not have previously received bursary funding from BERA in the current year.

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