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Past event Part of series: BERA EMC Masterclasses

EMC Masterclass – Using social media to meet your aims

Run by the Education Media Centre this highly interactive small group online training session is aimed at researchers who want their work to reach non-academic audiences. Participants will be briefed beforehand about what to expect and will be asked to bring along an item – preferably a piece of research – that they would like to share more widely.

Topics covered at this session include:

  • Why do you need to be on social media?
  • Which platforms to use
  • Getting started without taking risks
  • Tone – keeping it professional
  • Knowing your target audience and growing it
  • What to share; what not to share
  • What to do if things go wrong
  • Showcasing good examples
  • Practical exercise – writing a post

Structure of the session:

10:00 Welcome and introductions
10:10 What is social media and why is it such a big deal?
10:30 Barriers to and benefits of engaging with social media
10:45 Which platforms to use?
11:05 Break
11:20 Exercise 1: Writing a good social media bio
11:40 Exercise 2: Who to follow?
12:00 Exercise 3 : What to post?
12:20 Strategy and growing your audience
12:40 What do to if something goes wrong
13:00 Close and feedback forms


Participating in a BERA Virtual event

  • You will be sent the link to the event at least 3 days before the event. If you register in the last few days you will be sent the link within 24 hours
  • This event will take place on Zoom
  • For the best viewing experience please use a laptop or computer
  • This is an interactive event so your video and audio will need to be available to participate
  • It is best to check your connection at least 10 minutes before the event, and any problems the BERA technical team may be able to assist


Profile picture of Catherine McDonald
Catherine McDonald, Ms

Trustee at Education Media Centre

The trainer for the social media session will be Catherine McDonald. Catherine spent 20 years in radio and television, working for the BBC, ITV and Channel 4, before joining the University of Essex in 2013. As Senior Communications Officer for...

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