Past event
Curriculum Development and the Policy Process

Wales, England, Northern Ireland and Scotland are all involved in major curriculum and assessment change. Whilst the political context within which these changes are taking place varies considerably across the four nations, there are related challenges for researchers, policy makers and practitioners in each jurisdiction.
This seminar includes presentations about two major sources of evidence that can inform policy: comparisons of outcomes across countries, and longitudinal cohort studies. The seminar will also explore the political processes involved in curriculum and what, if anything, countries of the UK can learn from each other?
• Professor Gareth Rees, Cardiff University – how can we compare outcomes in different countries?
• Professor Chris Taylor, Cardiff University – what can longitudinal cohort studies can tell us about learning and attainment?
• Professor Graham Donaldson, University of Glasgow – what can the home nations learn from each other in terms of approaches to policy-making in education?
The aim of the BERA Curriculum, Assessment and Pedagogy (CAP) SIG is to encourage and support research and other scholarly activity in the inter-related areas of curriculum, assessment and pedagogy across the four4 nations of the UK and internationally. This is the fourth BERA CAP seminar and its focus is curriculum development and the policy process.
Lunch is included in the costs.