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Past event

Connecting Creativities, Interculturality and Gender through Practice: Series 2015 – 16

creativity in education

This series, hosted by Homerton College and the Faculty of Education, aims to bring new insights to often well-rehearsed and polarized debates from different fields and disciplines about what constitutes diverse creativities, how intercultural collaborations define us, and why gender constructions and relations matter.

The focus of the series reflects on issues that are entangled and interface with our social, cultural, personal and professional lives. Inviting and welcoming all, this series is aimed primarily at undergraduate and graduate students and researchers, fellows and alumni, academics and teachers, artists and arts organisations, creative and cultural industry professionals and business organisations. It asks the question: How do we define and see the role of diverse creativities, interculturality and gender in our own fields of interest, specialist domains, work and life? These dimensions (of creativity, interculturality and gender) can be highlighted and enmeshed in very different ways for people in different contexts.

If ‘practice’ represents the decision-making and subsequent actions by an artist, educator, researcher, employer, institution or creative practicing in business and design, how do creativities, interculturality and gender matter and/or form the basis for that practice?

Registration is free for all Members, full details are online at: