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BERA in the news

DfE Review of Evidence in Education

Building evidence into education

Dr Ben Goldacre was asked by Education Secretary Michael Gove to examine the role of evidence in the education sector.

In a paper presented on 14th March at Bethnal Green Academy, Dr Goldacre argued that research into “which approaches work best” should be embedded as seamlessly as possible and that teachers in England have the chance to make teaching a truly evidence-based profession.

Dr Goldacre’s paper is posted here. While not consulted in his own research for his paper, BERA was invited to attend the launch event and was respresented by both our President Mary James and Vice-President Ian Menter. Mary’s reflections are contained in an opinion article now posted here.

Professor Geoff Whitty’s response can be found on the Centre for Education Research and Policy website

Dr Rebecca Allen’s response can be found on the Institute of Education, University of London’s blog