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BERA Annual Conference – ECR Presentation Award

BERA aims to celebrate and promote the work of our Early Career Researcher Network. We are presenting a prize to the best Early Career researcher presentation at this year’s conference.

The top scoring ECR abstracts are automatically shortlisted for the BERA ECR Presentation Award.

  • 1st prize – £300 + Complimentary attendance at the following years BERA Annual Conference.
  • 2nd prize – £100
  • 3rd prize – £50

2023 winners

1st prize winner

Exploring instructor visibility and familiarity in video-based instruction in secondary school science

Profile picture of Steve Griffiths
Steve Griffiths, Dr

Adjunct Research Fellow at Griffith Institute for Educational Research

Steve is a Highly Accomplished Teacher who teaches senior biology at a state high school in Brisbane, Australia. Steve’s PhD investigated instructor visibility and familiarity in video instruction. Steve is interested in video learning, science...

2nd prize winner

English fever slipping through policy and pervading early childhood in South Korea: time to live with the fever and address what truly matters

Profile picture of Jeehee Kim
Jeehee Kim, Mrs

PhD candidate at The Education University of Hong Kong

Jeehee Kim is a Research Grants Council (RGC) funded PhD student in the Department of Education Policy and Leadership (EPL) at The Education University of Hong Kong. She is the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) awardee. Holding a degree in...

3rd prize winner

Resilience in early childhood education during COVID-19: The case of a private school in rural Peru

Profile picture of Thomas Chambers
Thomas Chambers, Mr

Early career researcher at University of Greenwich

Tom Chambers is an early career researcher studying a part-time PhD at the University of Greenwich, London. His research is focused on exploring the impact of the pandemic on the key stakeholders associated with early childhood education (ECE) in...

3rd prize winner

Gender, Drama and Life: Exploring Children’s Gender Performances in Early Years Settings

Profile picture of Di Wang
Di Wang, Ms

University of Durham

Di is a PhD candidate at the School of Education of Durham University. Within the domain of education, Di has a background in both Early Childhood Education and Drama and Theatre Education. She completed her undergraduate and postgraduate studies...

2022 winners

1st prize winner

Developing a common language to describe the challenges of teacher education in South Sudan: a co-constructivist approach to problem solving.

Profile picture of Victoria Pendry
Victoria Pendry, Mrs

CEO The Curriculum Foundation at Institute of Education

Victoria has a background in Primary Education in the UK, specialising in Education for Sustainable Development. Now a freelance consultant, Victoria works with schools, NGOs and Ministries of Education worldwide to review and redesign curriculum...

1st prize winner

Voices from the ground:  Exploring the impact of Human Rights Education on notions of empowerment among displaced women in Colombia.

Profile picture of Claudia Blandon
Claudia Blandon, Ms

Associate Lecturer at University of Plymouth

Claudia Blandon has a background in Anthropology, Sociology, International Human Rights Law and Forced Migration Studies. Her doctoral work is a multidisciplinary study between education and forced migration studies that explores the role Human...

1st prize winner

How do we prepare teachers to facilitate effective parental engagement? A systematic review.

Profile picture of Cat Jones
Cat Jones, Mrs

PhD student at University of Warwick

Cat Jones is a final-year ESRC-funded PhD student at the University of Warwick. Her research focuses on parental engagement with learning. Other research interests include policy, SEND and social justice. Cat is an experienced primary school...

2nd prize winner

CLIL, Content and Learner Motivation: analysing the appetite for innovation in KS3 language learning.

Profile picture of Sarah O’Neill
Sarah O’Neill, Mrs

PGR Research Student at Queen's University Belfast

Sarah O’Neill is a qualified languages teacher (CELTA, PGCE) and PhD research student in modern language education policy at Queen’s University Belfast. Her PhD is entitled: ‘Developing CLIL-informed Policy and Practice in Language...

2nd prize winner

Teacher-Researcher Collaboration in Animal-assisted Education: Co-designing a Reading to Dogs Intervention.

Profile picture of Jill Steel
Jill Steel, Ms

Early Career Researcher at University of Edinburgh

Jill Steel is a former primary school teacher and lecturer in childhood practice, and is currently an early career researcher (ECR) at the University of Edinburgh’s Moray House School of Education and Sport. Jill’s interest in Reading to Dogs...

3rd prize winner

Little learners, growing in the outdoors: identifying ways to effectively support children to develop scientific questioning in primary science.

Profile picture of Alison Murphy
Alison Murphy, Mrs

Lecturer at Nottingham Trent University

Alison Murphy is a senior lecturer in Primary Education within the Nottingham Institute of Education at Nottingham Trent University. Her research interests include: science education, outdoor learning and inclusive practice. Prior to working in...

2019 winners

1st prize winner

Creative Communities: A Bridge between the Local School and the Symphony Orchestra

Profile picture of Adam Hart
Adam Hart, Dr

Lecturer in Music Technology at University of Salford

Dr Adam Hart is a lecturer in music technology at the University of Salford. He has a background in secondary education and audio programming, and his research interests involve creative advocacy through interactive technology. His PhD project...

2nd prize winner

“Perhaps it’s a level 1 pupil but I love them all”: Preservice teachers’ efforts to ‘fix’ constructed inequalities.

Profile picture of Corina van Doodewaard
Corina van Doodewaard, Mrs

Senior Researcher at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences

Corina van Doodewaard (1969) is dean of and senior lecturer in the PETE-faculty of at the Windesheim University of Applied Science in Zwolle (the Netherlands). The focus of her teaching in the bachelor and master programs is on critical...

3rd prize winner

Non-traditional students navigating pathways to and through Higher Education

Profile picture of Suzanne Macqueen
Suzanne Macqueen, Professor

Senior Lecturer at University of Newcastle, Australia

Suzanne MacQueen is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Education at the University of Newcastle, Australia. Originally trained as a Primary teacher, she now teaches courses in the areas of social studies curriculum, literacy, quality teaching and...