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Keiha Dhruev, Mr

Lead Practitioner, Mathematics at Sherborne Area Schools Trust

I am the mathematics lead practitioner for Sherborne Area Schools Trust (SAST) a multi academy trust in North Dorset and Somerset. On a day-to-day basis I teach students from KS3 to KS5. I also work supporting new mathematics teachers, particularly those who are transitioning to teach mathematics from other disciplines, developing curriculums within our schools and supporting consistency between primary and secondary education. I have a particular interest in mathematical problem solving and engaging reluctant learners.
My undergraduate, mathematics, degree is from the University of Exeter, as is my PGCE. I recently completed a MSc in Learning and Teaching with the University of Oxford.

Keiha Dhruev's contributions

Practitioner Research in Mathematics Education

The aim of the Practitioner Research in Mathematics Education (PRiME) event was to build the capacity of practitioner researchers through engagement with the wider research community. This...

Past event3 Feb 2024Virtual