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Unbridging the gap between data and theory

Professor Ian Stronach

To cite this reference:
Stronach, I (2011) Unbridging the gap between data and theory, British Educational Research Association online resource. Available online at: [INSERT WEB PAGE ADDRESS HERE] Last accessed [insert date here].

This paper seeks to demonstrate something of the dynamics between data and  theory. It offers readers a performance of such links rather than a static representation. Conventional methodological accounts outline concepts and procedures, but leave many thinking, ‘Yes, but what do these things mean in practice?’  Hence here, a demonstration, one that is of course reductive, schematic and truncated, but which tries to show the process of iteration between data and theory rather than restrict itself to invoking the abstraction of ‘paradigms’.
‘If […] terminology is the properly poetic thought, then terminological choices can never be neutral’ (Agamben 2005: 4)