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British Educational Research Journal

The British Educational Research Journal (BERJ) is BERA’s flagship journal, and has gone from strength to strength in recent years. Indexed by the Institute of Scientific Information, Philadelphia on the Social Science Citation Index, the journal is a major focal point for the publication of educational research from across the globe. BERJ’s Impact Factor is 3.0 and the journal ranks 83/756 in the Education and Educational Research category, placing it in the top quartile. BERJ’s Journal Citation Indicator is 1.42 and its Citescore is 4.7.

Although the journal showcases the very best of British educational research, it publishes articles by, and for, researchers in education throughout the world. The journal is interdisciplinary in approach, and includes reports of case studies, experiments and surveys, discussions of conceptual and methodological issues and of underlying assumptions in educational research, and accounts of research in progress. For more information, please visit the website of our publisher, Wiley.

Click here for author guidelines, including instructions on how to submit. When you are ready to submit your article, please do so through the journal’s Research Exchange submission portal.

Members should click on the ‘read this journal online’ button in the top-left corner of this page to use their free access to BERJ.

To request permission to reproduce material from BERJ (or BJET, RoE or Curriculum Journal) please contact our publisher, Wiley, via this page of their site.

BERJ 50th Anniversary Collection

BERJ was established in 1975 and is looking ahead to both its 50th anniversary in 2025, and that of its publisher, BERA, in 2024. To mark these anniversaries, five virtual special issues of the journal have been published through 2022 and 2023 to map the first five decades of BERJ, from 1975 to the present day.

Each issue presents a selection of papers published in one of the decades of the journal’s life and features an introduction by the guest editor(s), with the aim of offering readers an overview of the scholarship that has been published by BERJ since its inception and highlighting trends and developments in the field over the past 50 years.

All issues are now available, showcasing articles from the years 1975–1984, 1985–1994, 1995–2004, 2005–2014 and 2015–2022.

Read the collection here.

BERJ Editors’ Choice Award 2024

The editorial team of BERJ and BERA are delighted to announce the winner of the 2024 Editors’ Choice Award, which recognises papers published in the 2024 volume of the journal.

The winning paper for British Educational Research Journal is:

  • Kay L. (2024). ‘I feel like the Wicked Witch’: Identifying tensions between school readiness policy and teacher beliefs, knowledge and practice in Early Childhood Education. British Educational Research Journal50(2): 632–52.

The editors commented: ‘This paper is theoretically and methodologically strong and interesting. It has a good potential to have an impact on policy/practice in early childhood education.’

The editors also commend the following papers:

A statement on fraudulent impersonations of BERJ

BERA is aware of cases in recent years in which the British Educational Research Journal (BERJ) and other BERA journals have been impersonated online, with would-be contributing authors asked for money in order to have their article published in what subsequently proves to be a substandard publication that uses the journal’s name fraudulently.

 We ask authors to be vigilant and to report any such fraudulent representations to us at

Wiley is the sole publisher of BERJ, and all articles should be submitted online through the Manuscript Central service linked to above. No fee is charged for publishing in BERJ, other than optional charges for open access publishing (the ‘article publication charge’) and for the reproduction of figures in colour (as opposed to black and white) – click here for further information on both.