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British Journal of Educational Technology: Call for Board Members

Editorial Board & International Advisory Board

The new editors of BJET would like to invite members of the educational technology research community to join us to develop and strengthen this internationally popular journal as members of the revamped Editorial Board or newly established International Advisory Board.

We invite applications from members of the educational technology research community worldwide. Role descriptors are provided below. Please apply by sending:

(a) a CV (max. 2 pages) which includes your current institutional affiliation and role and lists three recent peer-reviewed journal articles;

(b) a cover letter (max. 1 page) which includes any relevant experience which will help you fulfil the role, along with details on your current/past involvement with BJET (submissions, publications, reviewing, Editor or Board membership);

(c) keywords spanning your research interests and expertise, selected from the list accompanying this call; please tick as many as apply, add any of your own and enclose the document with your application. Keywords help us to assign appropriate articles for review.

Roles will commence after the new editorial team takes over on July 1st. Applications must be sent to Guillaume Collett ( by Monday 27th June 2016. Informal enquiries about the roles should also be made to Guillaume Collett in the first instance.

BJET Editorial Board Member: Role Descriptor

The Editorial Board will be comprised of 20-25 experienced, rigorous reviewers from around the world and with diverse interests. Each member will be expected to complete a minimum of 5 high-quality and timely reviews annually. Reviews are expected to be completed within one calendar month and to include detailed, sensitive and encouraging feedback. Members are also expected to promote the journal informally and through their networks. Members will be encouraged and supported to run specific promotional and support activities in their regions, and to distribute promotional materials. There will be no regular meetings of the board; however members are invited to meet with the Editors at prominent conferences in the field, and to offer feedback/suggestions in an online forum annually. Editorial Board membership has an initial, renewable term of 2 years but we will review the membership annually based on activity and quality ratings by editors.

Each member of the editorial board will be expected to act as a ‘critical friend’ to a small number of early career researchers, especially those in their regions. As a high profile international journal, the Editors believe that BJET has a responsibility to all members of its community, including encouraging and supporting early career researchers in all countries. With this in mind, the Editors have developed a policy on capacity building and mentorship of early career researchers from low and middle income countries.

BJET International Advisory Board Member: Role Descriptor

The International Advisory Board will be comprised of 8 colleagues strategically placed in different regions globally. These colleagues will form an active advisory board which will be consulted on major decisions especially those involving strategic direction of the journal, providing subject expertise, promoting the journal regionally, and helping with the development of special issues. They will be invited to meet annually at AERA or another conference together with at least one Editor and any other BJET representatives attending that year; modest hospitality (but not travel costs) will be provided. Advisory Board membership has an initial, renewable term of 3 years and members are expected to attend either a face-to-face or an online meeting annually.

The International Advisory board will support the Editors in the selection of quality reviewers and invite paper submissions in their geographic location and area of expertise. They will also play a role in suggesting and developing special issues, especially where a proposed issue needs wider international representation. Members will promote the journal informally and formally through their attendance at international conferences, related events and other networking activities. They will be supported to run specific promotional and support activities in their regions, distribute promotional material and so on.

Dr. Carina Girvan, Dr. Sara Hennessy, Dr. Manolis Mavrikis, Dr. Sara Price, Dr. Niall Winters

Editors of the British Journal of Educational Technology