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BERA Publications Committee: Call for new members

We are pleased to announce the call for members to apply to join BERA’s Publications Committee:

  • one ‘ordinary’ committee member, ideally with expertise in open access publishing and/or new publishing methods and platforms

  • one early career researcher (ECR) – that is, someone who is pursuing or has recently completed (within the last three years) a master’s or doctoral degree.

The closing date for submissions of interest is 28 June 2019.

Committee members take an active and invaluable role in BERA’s governance, providing oversight and setting the strategic direction of all publishing activities, which are vital to the financial health and overall priorities of the Association. They ensure that BERA’s publications uphold the highest academic standards, follow best-practice, respond to new developments and serve the interest of all members and communities within the education field.

Given the fast-changing publishing environment, in terms of open access and beyond, we need fresh eyes and new ideas to help future-proof our portfolio into the next decade. Some experience is desirable, although current editors of any journals will need to discuss any potential conflicts of interests as part of the selection process.

As part of BERA’s ongoing commitment to ECRs, we are looking to provide opportunities on all our decision-making bodies. For this role we are looking for enthusiasm and commitment, as we understand that previous experience may necessarily be limited.

BERA Publications Committee members gain knowledge and experience of all aspects of a leading learned society’s publishing and communications activities, and its governance more widely, as well as insider insights into developments in the field and the publishing industry.

Members are expected to attend three meetings per year (at BERA’s offices in central London; expenses paid) and contribute to discussions and initiatives on an ongoing basis. Candidates must be fully paid-up members of BERA, and remain so throughout their tenure.

The role of the Publications Committee is to:

  • ensure that BERA’s publications portfolio is well managed and upholds the highest academic standards

  • ensure that BERA keeps abreast of developments in the publishing field and is able to use them appropriately in the development of our publishing portfolio

  • oversee the Association’s academic publishing activity and monitor its effectiveness in terms of quality, impact, reach and finance

  • regularly review the balance of the Association’s academic publishing activity, and develop new programmes as appropriate

  • monitor and review all BERA publications activities in line with BERA Council’s strategic direction

  • advise BERA Council on issues pertaining to academic publishing in education and related areas

  • oversee, approve and monitor the editorial arrangements across BERA’s publications, including the appointment of editors of Journals and other publications as appropriate

  • receive and respond to regular reports from publishers on the performance of BERA’s journals

  • make appropriate appointments to key roles in BERA’s publications portfolio.

To submit an expression of interest, please provide an account of the skills and experience that make you a suitable candidate, and how you would fulfil the role described and contribute to the strategic direction of BERA (up to a maximum of 600 words). Please send this to by no later than 28 June 2019.

To discuss the role further, please email