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Past event Part of series: Research Commission: Reviewing the Potential and Challenges of Developing STEAM Education

STEAM Education and Inclusion: Connecting Practice, Research and Theory

The BERRC Logo (Reviewing the potential)A Commission on Reviewing the potential and challenges of developing STEAM education through creative pedagogies for 21st learning: seminar series


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The aim of this event to facilitate extended dialogues which connect STEAM education practices, research and theory around the notion of inclusion within/ outside schools as sites for learning. This event brings together contributors with expertise in science, mathematics, technology, arts – as educators and/or academics – and facilitators, practitioners, head teachers and community organisations who wish to further understand and explore STEAM practices and issues of inclusion while connecting theory and research. Extended dialogues will focus upon the relationship between formal ‘school science’ and ‘school mathematics’ as they are currently taught and the differential access to science and mathematics knowledges affecting groups inside and outside schools (the commission’s second key question) – from the perspective of science, mathematics, technology and the arts.

09.30 Arrival, coffee, orientation, seating, informal chats
10.00 Welcome and introductions
Anna Vignoles (Faculty of Education, Director of Research), Pamela Burnard (Event Host/Chair) Laura Colucci-Gray (PI), Donald Gray, Jo Trowsdale, Richard Davies (Core Team) Susan Steward (RA)
10.20 Sharing practice: Teachers and teaching
Nick Corston (Founder and Facilitator of; Rae Snape (Headteacher Spinney PS Head)
10.40 Connecting research and theory
Patricia Murphy & Liz Whitelegg  (Open University)
11.15 Focused dialogue
11.35 Break with refreshments
11.45 Sharing practice: Learners and learning cultures
Kristoff Fenyvesi (Bridges Math-Art Organisation); Cindy Forde (Cambridge Science Centre); Carrie-Anne Philbin (Raspberry PI Foundation)
12.15 Connecting research and theory
Yvette Solomon (Manchester Metropolitan University)
12.35 Focused dialogues
Key question: how far do their STEAM (and STEAM related) practices promote access, interest and inclusion? In what way do STEAM events change/challenge who is good at science, mathematics, art, engineering or technology?
13.00 Lunch
13.45 Extended dialogues
Interactive activity characterising/theorising practices PART 1: toward a common understanding of ‘STEAM’ education around the notion of inclusion.
15.00 Break with refreshments
15.30 Plenary: Making thematic connections and close
16.00 Close of meeting

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