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Past event

Researching Higher Education: investigating inequalities



This BERA SiG event focuses on empirical research projects investigating Higher Education (including HE in FE), but focusing on the challenges of data collection and analysis when investigating inequalities within higher education. Prior to the event participants will be provided with pre-reading of extended abstracts. The structured day will involve short presentations followed by plenty of opportunity for discussion in small groups.

9.45 Registration and refreshments

10.10 Welcome and introduction to the event

Inequalities in HE research: Challenges in data collection and analysis main session 1:
10.10 Reasons for non-participation in higher education by socially excluded young people (Dr Lynn Day).
10.40 Regional Differences in University Admissions in England (Dr Andrew McCulloch)
11.10 Widening Participation in Dentistry: examining stakeholder perspectives (Reshma Agrawal)
11.40 Researching Student Diversity: The case of Teacher Education in Ireland (Dr Elaine Keane & Dr Manuela Heinz)
12.10 Group discussion.  Delegates choose one presenter to discuss the research in depth

12.30 Lunch

Inequalities in HE research: Challenges in data collection and analysis main session 2:
1.15 Low Participation Neighbourhoods and Social Class (Dr Neil Harrison & Dr Colin McCaig)
1.45 Challenges, Dilemmas and Choices in Comparative Research of Students in Romania and England (Reka Plugor)
2.15 Narratives of Widening Participation: questions and dilemmas in interviewing policy actors (Iain Jones)

2.45 Follow up discussion in choice of groups with presenters (or an additional group discussion focsued on use of theory in their own research).

3.05 Plenary – review of the day

3.30 Close

There are still limited places available for this event. Please arrive in time for registration at 9.45am to register. If you have any other queries please contact the BERA office at

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