Past event
Learning from the classroom – Practitioner research in mathematics education

A joint event convened by the BERA special interest groups on Practitioner Research and Mathematics Education in collaboration with the British Society for the Learning of Mathematics.
Keynote speaker: Professor Hilary Povey, Sheffield Hallam University
Convenors: Dr Alison Clark-Wilson (Institute of Education, University of London) Dr d’Reen Struthers (University of Roehampton) Dr Sue Pope (University of Manchester)
Recent national initiatives such as the primary Mathematics Specialist Teacher (MaST) programme and NCETM funded school-based teacher enquiry projects have created a wealth of opportunities for practitioner research on aspects of mathematics education, usually involving colleagues from HEIs. This is in addition to the more established routes for post-graduate and doctoral research. Through this event BERA Special Interest Groups on Mathematics Education and Practitioner Research aim to provide a forum for practitioner researchers to meet and share their projects with a focus on broadening research skills to support systematic approaches.
The day will begin with a keynote from Professor Hilary Povey, who will chart her own journey from teaching mathematics in inner London schools to her role in supporting trainee and practising teachers to develop research-informed practices.
The day will include a range of invited presentations by new and experienced practitioner researchers on a variety of themes related to mathematics education, which will be chaired to support focused discussions. In addition there will be a choice of practical research methodology workshops, led by Alison Clark-Wilson, d’Reen Struthers and Sue Pope to explore the challenges faced by practitioner researchers, with an emphasis on methods of data collection and analysis that can lead to worthwhile conclusions on classroom practices.
Please download the poster for full programme and speakers abstracts.