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Past event

Primary Education: what is and what might be. Cambridge Primary Review Trust National Conference 2016

bk-175-1-1024x961Online registration is now closed. If you would still like to attend, please email

Join the Cambridge Primary Review Trust (CPRT) at this one day conference to celebrate the tenth anniversary the launch of the Cambridge Primary Review and help shape a vision for primary education for the next decade. The conference will include keynotes, discussion groups and a panel session. It will be followed by a reception at which awards will be made for outstanding teaching, school leadership and research relating to CPRT priorities. Confirmed speakers: Robin Alexander, Melissa Benn, Neil Carmichael (Chair of the House of Commons Education Committee), Andrew Pollard, Sarah Rutty. Booking is now open.

Book a place at the conference by 21 October 2016.


P.S. Please note for this event is led by CPRT so your details will be shared with them.

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